Combining Environmental Protection with Superior performance. On the one hand, consumers today demand performance at a relatively low cost. But on the other hand, they are becoming increasingly concerned about environmental impact. Read more
Electric vehicle chart
Biodegradable and Ecological Rustproofing Treatment BIO-PROGARD *
Multi-Purpose Lubrication PL-100, PL-BIO
- Electrical connectors
- Charge Port Door
- Locks, Mirrors, Doors
- Seat slides, etc.
Grease for Brake Caliper GS-1000 100% synthetic
* Warning: Do not apply rustprooting on orange cables and connectors. Do not apply rustproofing on battery compartment (under the vehicle). Precaution: Do not disconnect the orange connectors and Do not remove the battery compartment for the rustproofing application. Please contact us for any questions about Prolab care for hybrid or electric vehicle.
Our green products (lubricants & rustproofings)
Save big with the use of the appropriate lubricant !
The choice of appropriate lubricants
will make you earn thousands of dollars per year!
What you must know to save... BIG !
Low priced lubricants and additives will finally cost more in :
- Repairs
- Premature Wear
- Early Devaluation of your Equipments
- Energy or Fuel Consumption
- Profits
Friction is almost invisible but the cost of it is huge!
Without noticing you are probably loosing thousands of dollars !
All lubricants and additives do not give the same results
The difference in performance between a good and a regular lubricant or additive is tremendous. Most of them makes you loose time and money every year
Quality Generates More Profits!
Customers have saved thousands of dollars by adopting the energy efficiency solutions developed by Prolab.
Truck Fleet
Heavy Equipments
Industrial Equipments